Gail's, a coworker of mine, birthday is next weekend. Gail really really hates the winter time and it really affects her serenity when we go for days and days with no sun. When I found this yarn I couldn't help but think of spring flowers and thought it would be fun to make something for her to reminder her spring is right around the corner and keep her hands warm. She loved them!

My honey has been working so hard the last few weeks. Often he can be found at his computer attending online class meetings or writing papers or in front of the XBox 360 destressing. I snapped this picture the other evening while he was in a class meeting.

This lovely yarn, Louet Gems, is being wound into balls so that I can start a secret 2008 Christmas Gift. :-) This yarn is AMAZINGLY soft. I am so excited about this project to the point I think it is going to be my Las Vegas trip knitting project. It will be small and transportable yet tangy enough to keep me interested in one knitting project for a week away from my other knitting projects.

Kiki has made some much progress lately. She is less timid and comes out to hang with us more in the evenings. She is doing much better with Poo too. I don't think I have heard her hiss in a couple weeks. The other day I actually saw them rub noses and she didn't bat at him. That is progress! Yeah kiki girl......

This picture is priceless. I snapped this random picture of Poo while he was in a room where there wasn't any lights. When I snapped the picture I figured it would be a dud but when I dumped the picture to my puter I was surprised. Now anyone who has met Poo learns very fast that he spends a great deal of time cleaning his lovely long fur and it isn't uncommon for him to hike his back leg up wherever he currently resides and start cleaning his butt. Well when this pic was snapped that is exactly what he was doing..... Kids don't try this at home!