Bean Counter's Knitting & Stuff
Bean Counting Knitter
May 29, 2009
May 27, 2009
Checking back into my life.....
Just the two words Jury Duty brings about many different feelings in people. Today I can fully appreciate the seriousness of what is tasked of a juror when seated. To see a witness give testimony while in prison garb and shackled. Just the simple task of itching a scratch challenging for them. This is enough to make the hair on the back of the neck stand at attention.
I sit here this evening at home with a glass of wine. But I am thinking about the man returning to his jail cell this evening and his family returning to their town. Their lives will never be the same. I am also thinking about the person murdered. His family. His mom in the parking garage thanking us for what we did. I am grateful there were two guards that walked us to our cars. It could have been a very different scene all together.
I admit I am a little numb right now. I am sure over the next couple days I will settle back into my life and this will be less personal that it feels right now.
May 20, 2009
Life Altering.....
Speaking of my husband. He is in DC this week starting his new job. This is an exciting time for him as he embarks on the next phase of his career. Congratulations baby! I just love this pic of him taken last week at our favorite Chinese place.
On knitting news I have a few things to share.
Back in November of 2007 I participated in a swap. As part of the swap packaged I received this mug from Darcy. It didn't take me very long to fill it with DPN's and crochet hooks.
Remember the Calvary that arrived in April? I purchased another handmade case from Sarah of Sarahkincheloe Etsy Shop which I totally love like the circular case.
It is a pretty pink and holds all my wonderful DPNs and crochet hooks in a nice roll.
May 15, 2009

OH my.... I have to makethisassoonaspossible...... I am thinking of cutting out one repeat and using the worsted alpaca I bought at the Alpaca Fest. This Jubilee is calling to me hard.
May 12, 2009
When ladders go bad....
May 11, 2009
Turkeys and catch'n up! (no knitting this time)
Of course I didn't think to click a picture until the pretty loaf was already cut. It was perfect. It took me about 15 minutes to get the batch prepared early yesterday morning. I think that was just my learning curve. I can see where it will be 5 minutes to put everything together. I love that the dough will keep in the fridge for 14 days. Warm bread after work anyone? OH my!

I planted some of the seedlings yesterday. The tomatoes didn't like me so I think I will be replanting some of those perhaps next weekend. Just a little to soon for them yet.

Here is a picture of the new dining room floor. The picture isn't the greatest. I will try again on a better light day.

Saturday afternoon I went with Jimmy so he could practice bowl. He is starting a new summer league this week. Here is an action shot. He recently went down a pound in bowling ball and is shooting strikes like crazy and had two games well into the 200's.

May 8, 2009
Really? 5 minutes a day?
Sunshine on a cloudy day....
May 6, 2009
Clapotis progress
I have decided I will be using the funky orange next color change. It is sure to give a wild contrast. I so love this and can't wait to finish it.
May 5, 2009
Here is a naked alpaca!
I met up with Julane and Kristie at the Alpaca Fest over the weekend. That is Kristie knitting with size 50 knitting needles.
I bought two hanks of super soft alpaca. I can't stop petting that yarn.

After the Alpaca we went back to my place for lunch and knitting. Here is Julane working on a secret Christmas gift.
I finished my Sunshine socks while hanging out with the ladies.

This week I have been working on my second Clapotis. I really love this yarn and pattern together. Must get it done so I can wrap up on cool evenings by the fire.

May 4, 2009
May 3, 2009
Old Wives Tale or perhaps jealousy....
I have attempted to research this claim to no avail. I can't find a single written article to support this claim. It seems Knitpicks has addressed this issue on their website below. I find it interesting they invite anyone to visit their manufacturing partners. I am pretty sure if there was anything inappropriate going on it would be well documented other than a nasty rumor by word of month.
Our Manufacturing Partners
Knit Picks has very high standards for the International manufacturers we choose to work with. Executives from Knit Picks have visited each of our manufacturers' factories personally to ensure that their facilities and labor practices are in line with both Knit Picks' and our customers' expectations. Specifically, Knit Picks works only with manufacturers who:
- Institute management practices that respect the rights of all employees
- Provide a safe and healthy work place
- Promote the health and well-being of all employees
- Oppose the use of child labor
- Have an active role in the positive development of their local community
And if you’re ever interested in visiting our facilities in India, Peru, or Italy, e-mail Customer Service for more information, and we’ll connect you with a factory representative.
Thanks Julane!
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