I can't believe it is the end of July....
Hahahaha especially since as I was typing July I actually typed JUNE. I feel like I am sort of in a time-has-stood-still for me as the world has kept on going vacuum. What have I been doing? Thankfully I could go back to my Flicker and review what I have been up to with pictures because my mind just isn't doing it for me these days.
Earlier this month
Molly (check out her post because she found some amazing knitting tools that we drooled over but weren't in either of our budgets) and I went button/antiquing at the
Heritage Square Antique Mall. I really really wanted to buy this life size Dracula. You see I am addicted to Vampires right now. Jimmy thinks I am crazy and I decided against the purchase since he probably would have me committed. Since the end of June I have read 7 Vampire books. Yep I have officially gone off the deep end.

Buttons were found. I actually sat down over the weekend and sorted them. They are now in that awesome drawer thingy I blogged about a while back. I am really itching to knit a cardigan so that I can go "shopping" in my button stash.

Yesterday I finished sock one of the Slip Stitch Rib socks knit with the Creative Dyed Iron colorway. These socks are so fun! I will take a better picture soon to share. This one was taken with my iPhone and it just doesn't capture the pretty colors.

As you probably noticed the blog is "under construction". It had become to cluttered. I am in the process of moving all my links to
delicious. There is a new side bar item with all my delicious tags over on the right.
I am also in the process of creating a new header photo so stay tuned....