I went to the doctor on Friday because I have been having some episodes where I have trouble breathing. After a breathing test and a chest x-ray I discovered I have pneumonia in my left lung (not phenomenon as I accidentally told a friend in a email and had her scratching her head trying to figure out what could be wrong with me). Jimmy has been so attentive and loving this weekend. This morning he made Easter breakfast:
While Poo basked in the sun:

Ok so I realize I haven't blogged about knitting lately. While I haven't focused 100% of my free time on knitting I have still had the needles clicking. I am juggling 3 projects at the moment but I can only discuss two of them here as the third is a special Christmas gift surprise. If you are on Rav you can see this project on my projects page.
First there is the Forest Canopy Shawl round two. This one is for me. I am knitting it with two strands of lace weight since I have discovered I am not a fan of fine lace weight yarn and needed a bit more substance to knit with.
Second is the Simple Knitted Bodice. I am knitting it with 100% bamboo yarn purchased at Gail Knits yarn shop in Las Vegas during our trip last month. This yarn is AMAZINGLY soft. I can't wait to finish this summer sweater.
Oh no! I'm so glad you have your hubby and kitties to take care of you. Your knitting looks great! I love the simple knitted bodice.
Feel better.
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