So what is a girl to do when faced with knitting ugliness? Cast on some new happy projects. Yep that is what I did. I bought some awesome Shetland wool called Kauni Effektgarn 8/2 while at the shop Friday night with the Raha scarf in mind. I have wanted to knit the Raha for a while now. I really hope Molly and I didn't plan a knit-a-long for that pattern because I have major CRS going on these days. If we did I am sorry Molly! I will knit a second one together with you because the pattern is so fun! I am already in the fifth repeat of the eleven called for in the directions.
Here is a picture of the yarn and my progress on the scarf so far. I was able to get tons of knitting done while at Heather's yesterday. I am sure I will have at least enough yarn left over to make some fingerless mitts I have been wanting and who knows maybe a hat too.

I also found myself at a loss because of my lack of socks on the needles. So last night I got out my More Sensational Socks book and cast on for a pair of socks using the Hourglass Eyelet stitch pattern. I am using some left over sock yarn to make these in red and black. Should be an interesting pair of socks. If anything I can hide them in my boots if they turn out duds.

So during the movie Friday I got to the point on my sweater where I was setting up for the lace rows. When I got into working the row I discovered I am out of whack somewhere. I think this is really the reason for my disgust so I put the project in my bag and it has been sitting in time out ever since. I am starting to feel the itch to pick it up and figure out where the hell I went wrong if I did go wrong. It probably wasn't the best project to be working on during a very sad ending of a movie anyway. Yeah we all balled our eyes out! ACK......
Ahhhh the Ebb and Flow of my knitting life.....
that new project is really pretty
scarf is very cool! and if you haven't figured on the sweater and need help, let me know. I learned a new life line trick and can show you. it's not really new, but new to me... anyway, good luck!
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