So Ria of Short Attention Span Theater has given me a Kreative Blogger Award Nomination which is a nice surprise. Thank you Ria. You can read about it here.
Now it is my turn to give out some Kreative Blogger Award Nominations. (BTW These nominations are in no particular order other than the random scrolling down my blog roll.)
1. Molly of Mollylouhoo ~ Molly gives me lots of inspiration and I enjoy watching her projects come to life. I love that her blog is honest and refreshing. The kitty pictures and stories are the best!
2. Julane of Courses and Wales ~ I am so enjoying watching Julane create something from nothing. Watching the Diamond Brocade birth was amazingly inspiring. I enjoyed the birthing of all the Sheldon's for Christmas gifts last year and am looking forward to the Hedgies.
3. Krisie of Fiber Funktastic ~ Knitting, knitting and more knitting. I get excited when Kristie's blog pops up to the top of my blog roll because I know that more than likely she will be enabling me for something else. I look up to Kristie's knitting because she is fearless. She isn't afraid to modify and go with it and this is a huge confidence booster for me.
4. Amanda of Mayfly ~ Like her amazing mom, Amanda, is such a beautiful soul. Her posts are thought provoking for me. I read her Smoke on the Water posting and about three weeks later heard the Deep Purple song. The song triggered my brain back to her posting with the connection.
5.Heather of Dizzy Spinster ~ Heather is a very well traveled lady. I love that her knitting and many of her projects are defined by where they have traveled too. I love reading about the many travels and looking at the pictures.
6. Rachel of Living [Abundantly] in the Present ~ Rachel is one spacial young lady. She recently graduated from high school and is spending something like 8 months over in Amsterdam. I think her official task while there is to nanny for some lovely children. Reading her blog is very inspiring to me on a spiritual level. She is much wiser than her young years on this earth. I can't wait until she gets back to C-bus so we can see her at Nazzy's.
7. Jimmy of What is all the ranting about ~ OK so I know he is my husband but he is also very inspiring for me. He is my counterbalance in this life. Keeps me grounded. I love you honey.
These nominations are in no particular order other than the random scrolling down my blog roll.
Official Rules: Here are the official rules:
1. Copy the award to your site
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers
4. Link to those on your blog
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominated.
1 comment:
i just saw this (because i'm a horrible blog buddy), and it made me blush! thank you, Cath - very sweet :)
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