I am working on repeat number five of thirty of the body. I really love this yarn and pattern. I am using 100% Alpaca in the Angel Face colorway by Briar Rose Fiber.

Today I took Blanket # 1 to Choices as I discussed in an earlier posting. It was very happily received. I look forward to finishing this Blanket # 2 and passing it along. I have 1.5 skeins of yarn left before I finish this sucker.

Drum roll..... Yesterday I finished the Pour me a Bordeaux Eunice socks. Eunice is a pattern in the new Cookie A. book Sock Innovations. Bordeaux because that is the colorway of the Knitpicks yarn. Very very soft! I like to drink wine (aka wino) and to my knowledge have never experienced Bordeaux. So over the weekend I was in Whole Foods where I picked up a bottle. Jimmy doesn't drink wine so I am going to take that bottle to a friends in a couple weeks where we are going to share the bottle and toast the completion of the socks.

More changes coming in the house! Stay tuned....

The socks came out great! Wear them to KK so we can ohhh and ahhh over them.
Whole Foods by you sells wine?? I've never seen that here. The socks came out great I really like the pattern! And I also like your new ravatar.
Oh those socks! I saw them in progress and want to see the FO, stunning.
Ooooooh do I see painting in progress? Looking forward to more pics.
Thank you Robin. I can't make it tomorrow night but I will bring them next time I come for Knit Knite.
Ria I think it depends on the state laws. Ohio law allows for wine to be sold in grocery stores here.
Thanks Karen. Yep there was some painting going on. Now the rearranging is in progress. Pictures soon.
I just thought the sock pattern kinda looks like wine glasses!
Your pinwheel is looking beautiful!! How big is it getting?
Oh those socks look amazing! Maybe I need to look into that book afterall?
Those socks are awesome! Where can I place my order? Socks still look scary to me, but I actually learned to use double point needles last week, so I am SLOWLY on my way to my first socks.
Love the blanket and Choices. Trying to organize a scarf knitting group to do scarfs for the local homeless house my church helps with.
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