Today we went to visit Molly at the OSU Urban Arts Space and she gave us our own personalized tour of the Global Glass exhibit. I am still totally in awe of the four knitted garments. While this isn't normally a big deal but they were knitted with yarn coated in fiberglass. Then the pieces were heated at high temperatures causing the yarn to melt away. Very very cool. The exhibit is going to be available through the beginning of October so if you are in Columbus check it out.
After the art we stopped by the main branch of the library. You know knitting has reached rock star status when you find a full display of knitting books. :-)

I started a new pair of socks this past weekend and tonight I graphed the toe closed on the first sock. I am using the Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn I received from a swap a couple years ago. The pattern is called Air Raid Socks by Emily B. Miller. Jimmy picked the pattern out for me to knit.

Those look super!
I was so happy to show you around yesterday! We should become art thieves and steal those pieces :)
That sock looks great!!
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